Technologies of Relating

Cambridge, USA
Two hands

Technologies of Relating

Technologies of Relating is a participatory workshop series that explores embodied movement as a fundamental technology for enhancing human connection and interaction. This series invites participants to delve into the art and science of movement, understanding how our bodies communicate, connect, and create relationships in both analogue and digital spaces. The series is presented by Partnering Lab and metaLab (at) Harvard, in partnership with the Office for the Arts at Harvard (OFA) Dance Program.

Throughout each workshop, participants will engage in a range of activities designed to deepen their awareness of physical presence and enhance their ability to relate to others through non-verbal communication. The workshops will be facilitated by experts in a range of embodied practices, including both codified to improvisational forms. Each session aims to expand the participants’ understanding of how movement can be harnessed as a powerful tool for expression and interaction, investigating empathy, cooperation, and deeper social understanding.

Workshop Goals:

  • Innovate Through Movement: Experiment with creating new ways to use movement as a tool for connection, including collaborative performances and interactive movement games.
  • Explore Embodied Communication: Learn how the body communicates beyond words, using movement to express emotions, intentions, and narratives.
  • Cultivate Mindful Presence: Enhance awareness of one’s own physical and emotional state and how this influences interactions with others.
  • Foster Relational Skills: Develop skills in reading and responding to others’ movements, facilitating empathetic and effective interpersonal engagements.

Participants will leave the series with not only a richer understanding of the communicative potential of movement but also practical skills and experiences that can be applied in personal, professional, and creative contexts. They will gain tools to foster healthier and more meaningful relationships and be inspired to continue exploring movement as a vital technology in daily life.

Technologies of Relating is designed for anyone interested in exploring the intersection of movement, technology, and social interaction. Workshops will be highly interactive and participatory, with activities taking place both individually and in groups. Individual sessions are also crafted to stand alone, accommodating new participants at any stage. Ideal for anyone curious about the potential of embodied practices to transform our ways of relating, this series promises a deep dive into the communicative power of the human body. All bodies and physical abilities are welcome.

Upcoming Workshops

Flockworks Workshop

Thursday, October 17 · 10am - 12pm EDT
Harvard Dance Center
Register on Eventbrite

Alice Klock and Florian Lochner Dancing

This class will begin with a FLOCK warmup focused on strength and stabilizing exercises coupled with improv based explorations. This will lead into learning excerpts from repertory and an exploration of FLOCK’s unique style and philosophy. The emphasis of the class is on researching physicality and finding and inhabiting personal artistry. Presented by the Partnering Lab and metaLAB (at) Harvard, in partnership with the Office for the Arts at Harvard (OFA) Dance Program.