AI + Art at metaLAB

metaLAB projects in this area explore the psychological and philosophical realms of electronic systems, reflect on the long history of human fascination with thinking machines, and consider our uncertain moral reckoning with the agency and autonomy of computers.

> > >Download the metaLAB AI + Art Overview, 2017-2019

While much public discourse on art and artificial intelligence focuses on the use of algorithms in art-making or the creative capacity of machines, metaLAB’s intent is different: to use artistic means to explore the human dimensions of artificial intelligence. In a series of projects ranging across interactive installation, creative computing, writing, teaching, and public speaking, metaLAB projects in this area explore the psychological and philosophical realms of electronic systems, reflect on the long history of human fascination with thinking machines, and consider our uncertain moral reckoning with the agency and autonomy of computers. This line of work carries the conviction that ethical and affective issues that attend deep learning, machine vision, and autonomous systems are matters of concern for all of society, not merely the province of experts. Art can bring that conversation to life for many audiences, engaging broad public audiences with the shared complexities of technological change. This work has been undertaken in dialogue with the Ethics & Governance of AI Initiative at the Berkman Klein Center and the MIT Media Lab.


The Future of Secrets / Sarah Newman and Jessica Yurkofsky / Installations, MFA Boston (2016) and
Re:publica Berlin (2017), SXSW (2018), Digital Cultures, Warsaw (2018),
AI Art & Design Workshop / Sarah Newman / Berkman Klein Center and MIT Media Lab (2017, 2018).

Machine Experience 1 & 2 / metaLAB / group showcase and cycle of installations,
Cambridge & Berlin, 2017, 2018

Artificial Senses / Kim Albrecht / Installation, Harvard Art Museums (2017)

Sherlock / Jonny Sun / Installation, Harvard Art Museums (2017)

Nobody’s Listening Sarah Newman and Rachel Kalmar / Installation, Rome (Fear and Loathing of the Online Self conference) and Harvard Art Museums (2017)

Turing’s Mill / Matthew Battles / Installation, Harvard Art Museums (2017)

Robots In and Out of Buildings / Jeffrey Schnapp / Studio course, Graduate School of Design (2017-18)

Color Rx / Maia Suazo Maler / Installation, Cambridge & Berlin (2017 & 2018)

Moral Labyrinth / Sarah Newman / Installations, Ars Electronica Linz and Mozfest London (2018)

Distinction Machine / Kim Albrecht/ Ars Electronica Linz

Earth Measurer / Matthew Battles / Installation, Berkman Klein Center (2018) and writing

The Laughing Room / Jonny Sun / Cambridge Public Library and MIT's Hayden Library (2018) / Produced in collaboration with metaLAB with support from the ARTificial Intelligence Initiative at MIT and Cambridge Public Library

Contact: Sarah W. Newman, Senior Researcher