Charlotte Hannah Peters
Charlotte Hannah Peters (They/Them) is an M.A. student in Culture and Media Management at Freie Universität and a researcher at metaLAB. They hold a B.A. in Film Studies and Comparative Literature. Their research interests are located at the intersection of academia and cultural institutions, including curation as an intersectional queer feminist practice. Their work is inspired by a search for structural and applicable approaches, such as critical practices of collective work and exploring new funding structures.
As a collective with other students, they have organized a conference and seminars at Freie Universität Berlin (Kinophilosophie.Kinopraxis., Freie Universität Berlin, 2018/2019) as interventions into university curricula and spaces of non-hierarchal knowledge exchange – both conference and seminars were open to the public. They regularly give workshops and guest talks (Johannes Guttenberg-University Mainz, 2021, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, 2020, Psychoanalytical Library Berlin, 2019) and write for magazines such as Siegessäule, L-Mag, Kinema Kommunal and
When they’re not in the library or classroom you can find them working for cultural institutions and spaces such as Berlinale (Berlin International Film Festival), Haus der Kulturen der Welt, XPOSED Queer Film Festival Berlin, and Arsenal Institute for Film and Video Art Berlin or campaigning as part of the Berlin chapter for the international queer-activist collective Voices4.
Since October 2021 they hold a scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation.