Carlo Ferretti
Graduate in Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Affiliate Carlo Ferretti is the Research and Innovation Officer of materahub, a European Hub for the support and development of the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs), based in Southern Italy. He is author of several research reports on the topic of the immaterial value of culture and arts, which includes the research conducted with Materahub on the impact of Silent City, a co-creative Community Opera produced by the Compagnia Teatrale L’Albero during the European Capital of Culture 2019.
With his local organization, Arti in Libertà, Bari, he produces and curates the artistic direction of several formats of research and entertainment related to arts & technology, as well as FAIL, a festival on new media art and music. In addition, he collaborates with Cultura Italiae and the Italian Ministry of Culture as researcher for the mapping and analysis of the cultural and creative industries in Italy. Finally, he collaborates with the Social Innovation Department of Bari in the role of Researcher and Assistant to the Mayor Staff Manager, researching the design of effective urban policy for community development and neigbhorliness through cultural activities.